
Feeding is now what I feel most confident about going home. I know what to look for, how to respond, and when to make changes to our feeding plan thanks to Khaki's support.


Feeding Basics

Basic Package - $325

> Questionnaire

> 1 One on One Zoom Consults

(1 prenatal)

> Customized Feeding Plan

> Product Recommendations

Signature Package - $425

> Detailed Questionnaire

> 2 One on One Zoom Consults

(1 prenatal and 1 postpartum)

> Customized Feeding Plan

> Customized Product Recommendations

> Downloadable Resources

> Ongoing Support

(4 weeks of WhatsApp support)


Everything Package - $525

> Detailed Questionnaire

> 3 One on One Zoom Consults

(1 prenatal + 1 postpartum + 1 Bonus Follow-up)

> Customized Feeding Plan

> Customized Product Recommendations

> Downloadable Resources

> Ongoing Support

(2 phone calls + 4 weeks of WhatsApp support)

Troubleshooting Call - $95

> Brief Questionnaire

> 30 Minute Zoom Consult

> Guidance on 1 Feeding Concern

Feeding Difficulties

 I don't even know where to start. Khaki has been so amazing to work with. She helped my baby learn to eat and supported our family on some of our hardest days. I never knew I would need to know so much about feeding and now I am glad I do!